Cancer Second Opinion Online
We have the Best Oncologists and ranked as Best Cancer Second Opinion Online Site in India, Rated independently, and Best medical consultation online Site.
Find out about the type, stage, and location of your cancer (Best Medical Second Opinion Online for Cancer) from an expert oncologist.
Oncology is the specialty focused on the treatment of cancer. It includes the fields of medical oncology (use of chemotherapy, hormone therapy (book doctor appointment), and more modern medication to treat cancer), surgical oncology (surgical resection of cancer for biopsies and for treatment), and radiation oncology (radiotherapy to treat cancer). This specialty has seen a huge amount of innovation in recent years, and as new therapies are developed the options available for people diagnosed with cancer are ever-increasing. This can cause a lot of confusion, and confusion is the last thing you want when faced with a serious cancer diagnosis.
Here at the secondmedic, we aim to provide the best, most accurate second opinion online. We want to make sure you are well informed during your medical journey, have the best treatment options available to you, and are confident that your treatment is the right one.
Before we get started, we need to know some basic facts about cancer
Our bodies are made up of many organ systems that perform certain functions (stomach and intestines for eating, lungs for breathing, bones, and muscles for movement, brain, and nervous system for thinking). These organs are in turn made up of small subunits known as cells. Sometimes the DNA and programming in these cells can become damaged, and they begin to replicate rapidly without any checks or balances.
Uncontrolled replication can cause a large mass of cells to form that have little to no function, take up nutrition and blood and even damage nearby organs. If it is left to grow these cancerous cells can spread to other parts of the body and continue to grow, destroy other organs, and ultimately cause severe symptoms and can even be fatal.
There are many different types of cancers. If there is an organ it almost certainly has a type of cancer that can affect it. Common cancers that can affect people include:
Respiratory system (Lung Cancer, oropharyngeal cancer, laryngeal cancer)
Gastrointestinal system (stomach cancer, oesophageal cancer, colorectal cancer)
Hepatobiliary system (Liver cancer, gall bladder cancer, pancreatic cancer)
Genitourinary system (Renal cancer, bladder cancer, prostate cancer)
Gynecological system (uterine cancer, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer)
Breast Cancer
Skin Cancer (including Melanoma)
Leukemia and Lymphoma
Bone and Muscle cancer
Brain cancer (gliomas, glioblastomas, customs)
This list is not exhaustive, as some cancers are quite rare but are still covered by our oncology services.
Common terminology that is useful to know includes:
Benign: a mass of cells that is not cancerous and does not spread
Biopsy: removal of a small part of tissue to examine it and see if it is cancerous
Chemotherapy: medicine used to damage cancer cells, preventing them from replicating, spreading or even destroying them
Family History: whether any members of your family have had the disease
Malignant: Presence of cells that have the hallmarks of cancer, and can spread
Metastasis: the spread of cancer or disease from one organ to another
Multidisciplinary Team: A team composed of different specialties including medical, surgical and radiological oncology, radiologists, pathologists and nurses who work together to diagnose and treat patients along their medical journey
Prognosis: The expected outcome for the disease, and chances of recovery
Radiotherapy: use of targeted high energy radiation to damage cancer cells, similar to chemotherapy.
Recurrence: Cancerous cells forming in the same area or another area of the body after successful cancer treatment
Risk Factors: Behaviours (e.g smoking) or other factors (family history, genetic damage) that can increase your risk of having cancer.
Side effects: Unintended effects caused by the treatment caused by damage to healthy cells. This can include nausea, fatigue, hair loss, ulcer formation.
Staging of Cancer: Description of how much cancer has spread or grown throughout the body. This can be limited locally, spread to nodes, or to other parts of the body. Staging is important in figuring out what treatment will work best.
Tumour: A mass of abnormal tissue. This can be benign or malignant
Diagnosing and treating cancer is difficult, and we need to acknowledge why
A cancer diagnosis is a tough and complex disease to handle. The symptoms of cancer can be subtle, and patients might not realize they have cancer until it has advanced noticeably. They may have noticed their symptoms but not recognized the severity of the symptoms, or known who to see for their symptoms. Because of the diversity of symptoms and the vast number of cancers an cancer subtypes that exist, doctors can have a tough time diagnosing the right type of cancer, even with biopsies, detailed scans, and other investigations.
Cancer cells start off as our own cells and have many of the markers and identifiers as normal cells. Trying to eliminate just cancer cells without harming your body is very difficult, and this is one of the reasons why doctors often have problems in providing the right treatment. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy often cause damage to your body’s healthy organs and tissues. This is because contemporary chemoradiotherapy is not very targeted, and it is difficult to create a treatment that only hits cancer cells.
Choosing the right treatment is essential in reducing side effects. With newer treatment regimens and newer hormonal therapy, immunotherapy, and less damaging chemotherapy drugs, it is becoming much easier to treat cancer without having a significant negative effect on the person.
But its not just about using drugs to treat the biological features of cancer. The disease can affect many aspects of your life beyond your health, including your mental wellbeing, your relations with friends and families, how the disease can affect your work life, and more. Simply put, a cancer diagnosis can be life-altering. To treat it effectively we have to look at all of these components together.
The second Medic helps to provide an online medical second opinion from world-class oncologists.
When someone is diagnosed with cancer often experience a wide range of emotions, as well as a sense of urgency to get into treatment as soon as possible. With a new diagnosis, there is a period of time, depending on the cancer type and stage, before treatment begins.
Different doctors may recommend varied treatment options. They may not have had the right experience, their clinical practice may not be up-to-date or incorporate the latest in research and innovation, or they may interpret your investigations in a sub-optimal way. At this time, getting a second opinion may be an essential and necessary component of treating one’s diagnosis.
A second opinion could assess your condition better and can give you the hope and assurance that you need in choosing a safe and reliable treatment option that you deserve and improve the chance of survival.
At SecondMedic we pride ourselves in providing our patients the best, most accurate diagnosis, and a treatment plan that is tailored specifically for you. Our oncology specialists will help guide you through your medical journey and aid you in your recovery.
We make sure our expert advice is provided as part of a multi-disciplinary panel of cancer specialists, who look at all aspects of your diagnosis.
Medical Second Opinion helps confirm your diagnosis
Medical Second Opinion helps determine if cancer has spread
Medical Second Opinion helps get perspective from specialists with different expertise, giving you a thorough multi-disciplinary diagnosis with input from surgical and radiological specialists.
Medical Second Opinion helps explore other treatment options
Medical Second Opinion helps determine clinical trials or alternative therapies that apply to your treatment plan
Medical Second Opinion provides you with the confidence in knowing your diagnosis and treatment is the right one.
It is important to notice in what situations Second Opinion may be Important:
Second Opinion is Important when you have a rare or unusual cancer
Second Opinion is Important when you feel uncomfortable with your doctor, the diagnosis or you need confirmation
Second Opinion is Important when your health insurance requires it
Second Opinion is Important when the treatment offered has side effects or risks that you find disconcerting
Second Opinion is Important when the treatment options will result in unacceptable or unreasonable demands on your life and your family
Second Opinion is Important when tour doctor’s treatment goals are different from your own
Second Opinion is Important when your cancer is not responding to your current treatment
In Second Opinion the First Step is to Talk to Your Doctor
We know that many people feel reluctant and resistant to seek a second opinion. Most of the people living with cancer and caregivers are often concerned that asking their doctor about a second opinion will create an uncomfortable relationship with that doctor, which may negatively affect their medical care. Some patients may be confused by the complexity of the health care system, are too overwhelmed by their diagnosis or too intimidated or are not aware that they have that right to a second opinion.
We have to realize that most medical professionals expect a patient to get a second opinion.
They are afraid to Discuss getting a second opinion with the doctor who diagnosed you. Most doctors welcome a second opinion. It provides you and your doctor with either confirmation of their diagnosis and treatment, more details about their diagnosis, additional treatment options or recommendations for alternative diagnoses and treatments. Your doctor may have suggestions or referrals.
It is strongly advised that one goes for a second opinion at a different medical institution since this will involve different clinics and pathologists.
The most important thing is to be clear and upfront.
When does Oncologist’s second opinion make sense?
The oncologist’s second opinion makes sense when your doctor doesn’t have the required specialist knowledge for your condition.
The Oncologist’s second opinion makes sense when various doctors have given you different recommendations and you need help making a decision.
The oncologist’s second opinion makes sense when you haven’t received a clear diagnosis or therapy recommendation.
The Oncologist’s second opinion makes sense when your doctor has recommended a major operation and you want to make sure that it’s the best way to help you.
The oncologist’s second opinion makes sense when you feel that you haven’t been given enough information about your planned treatment.
The Oncologist’s second opinion makes sense when the suggested treatment promises no significant improvement to your condition.
The oncologist’s second opinion makes sense when you want to find out if there are other treatment options you can pursue.
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